Stretch marks are linear skin lesions caused by rapid growth or excess fat on certain body parts. The subcutaneous tissue is pulled apart, which first leads to red lines that can evolve to white scars at a later stage.
Treatment Options
Stretch marks or scars will never disappear completely. However, they can become softer and less visible. This can be done by corticosteroid injections or laser treatments (Palomar Starlux fractional laser treatment). Often multiple sessions are needed to obtain the desired result. There should be a 4 week period between the treatments and exposure to the sun during that time should be avoided.
Results after laser therapy on scars:
Other methods for scar treatment are compression and silicone therapy. Silicon therapy will make the scar not only more attractive and less visible, but also reduces redness, itching and pain.
Prevent and treat stretch marks by:
Massaging your skin daily (preferably with an oil), especially during weight changes, pregnancy, intensive sports.